Surrounds of Madrid——Consuegra

Surrounds of Madrid——Consuegra
02 Jan, 2018

When traveling to Madrid the surrounding villages are also attracting tourists as well as the view of Madrid. Consuegra is one of them who owns special charms.

When traveling to Madrid the surrounding villages are also attracting tourists as well as the view of Madrid. Consuegra is one of them who owns special charms.

Tourists who have interest in literature can read Don Quixote before going to Consuegra, the windmill village where he rushed to the scene. 12 windmills and a new built castle locate in the hill near the village. With the accompany of sky and clouds, everyone walking there looks like Don Quixote.

Cervantes makes Consuegra.

Cervantes is the greatest author in Spanish culture. Don Quixote is the literary treasure as the first modern novel in literary history. Spain is proud of Cervantes and Don Quixote. Cervantes left Don Quixote in the book while Spanish put them in the history: even when we have nothing, we still own Don Quixote.


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